Sisowath Quay

Morning View

Busy Night Traffic

A man sits on his cyclo during a busy traffic

The Warden

The policeman waves his hand signaling the vehicles on the other side to come along

View of Night Traffic along Mekong River Phnom Penh

A beautiful view of the Mekong River at night along the road

Sisowat Quay

Night View

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Motor Road Rules and Tips

By Steve Gosselin, May 2013
This post is the exact quote from Steve's post on his blog dated 03 May 2013 though not every single listed items are displayed in this post.
Click HERE to go to the original post/page.

These peculiarities in Cambodia are true, some of which are exactly against the law, though it might look a bit weird or somehow funny.
There is a need that we come together and put an end to those that are against the law.

Unofficial Lane
# 1 (Rule)

An Invisible Lane with Opposite Flowing Traffic Exists at the Far Right

It is often convenient to drive the wrong way down the lane. Fortunately, there exists an unofficial rightmost lane for this purpose. It is not just courteous to allow traffic in this unofficial lane to flow, it is custom to give right of way. For example, you (the RED motor) driving at the far right should veer to the left slightly to make way for oncoming motors.

Red Right Peek
# 2 (Tip)

Peek Before Turning

For some crazy reason, it is illegal to turn right at a red light in the Kingdom. As with all traffic violations, they are not enforced unless you are physically chased and apprehended. You cannot however, be chased if there are no police standing at the side of the road. Police are sneaky though and often hide behind cars and trees. The common practice is for you (the RED motor) to roll ahead slightly into the intersection until you can get a good view of what's around the corner. If there are no police, then you are clear to continue turning right. If there are, then sheepishly backup and wait for the light to turn green.  

Side Walk to the Front
# 3 (Rule)

At Red Light, Get to Front at Whatever Cost

You (the RED motor) are probably not in a rush. You probably don't need to be anywhere. This shouldn't stop you from always attempting to get to the front of the pack at a red light. Hopping up on the sidewalk, manoeuvrings around a parked car or riding behind a food stand are all highly recommended tactics.

Motor Snooze
# 4 (Tip)

The Ground Is Dirty

You feel the urge to relax in the shade and their are no benches, no grassy areas and no empty hammocks. Never fear, your motor makes a completely comfortable and stylish alternative. Make sure to employ the parking stand (not the kickstand) to ensure the motor balances flat.  

Motor Date
 # 5 (Rule)

Ignore All Other Traffic

Constant rushing is the norm except on one occasion: the motor date. You (the RED motor) need not worry about holding up traffic but only to stay exactly parallel with your partner in order to maximize ease of conversation. Continue to drive at a leisurely pace and ignore impatient honks from behind.

Preemptive Left
# 6 (Tip)

Act First and Save a Few Seconds

In the West, it is common etiquette during green lights to wait for straight traffic to pass before turning left. Often this results in left turns occurring during the amber light just before red. Not so in Cambodia. It is common practice for the most ambitious left turners to go before the straight through traffic as demonstrated by the RED motor in the image.

The Swarm
# 7 (Tip)

Comfort in Numbers

You (the RED motor) may feel anxious at first when being enclosed by fellow motors. There is, however, power in The Swarm and it can be used to great advantage. Lexus' may seem at first to rule the roads but a sizable swarm of motors soon takes the upper hand.  

The Parasite
 # 8 (Tip)

Big Vehicles Have Unofficial Right Of Way: Use It To Your Advantage

Big vehicles like Lexus SUVs punch their way through traffic to complete a turn. You, the RED motor, being tiny in comparison, don't command much influence when separated from The Swarm, so it is wise to hug the side of a larger vehicle who has the same intention for direction change. Instead of looking around at traffic, just focus on clinging to your host as close as possible until the turn is completed. This greatly reduces the risk of capture, as it is difficult and dangerous for police to cross the entire lane for you.

Conscious Avoidance
# 9 (Tip)

Perfect Driving Won't Save You

Your paperwork may be in order. You may have this year's 4500 Riel tax sticker. The police will still find something wrong. It's best for even the most upstanding citizen to avoid capture whenever possible. When police are spotted up ahead, the best technique is for you (the RED motor) to quickly hide behind a larger vehicle (tuk tuks are great for some reason) on the leftmost side of the lane just in case. 

Must Make Left

# 10 (Rule)

Don't Miss a Green Opportunity

Even though you (the RED motor) have nowhere to be, it is downright unacceptable to miss a green light opportunity. Do whatever it takes to get through the intersection, in this case, veering far left into the opposite lane.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Prohibitory Signs

The prohibitory sign comes in double-sided round-shape plates. The inner side is thicker painted in red while the outer side is painted in white. Normally the signs or image within the surface is painted in black. In some cases these signs are also used signify the end of each prohibition. The round shape remains the same but the colors are only in black and while.

This type of traffic signs tell the drivers or road users not to do the exact things stated in the signs such as, no turning left, no turning right, no u-turn, no parking, etc. Drivers or road users must strictly obey these signs.

These are all the prohibitory signs currently in use in Cambodia:
(Ordered Alphabetically)

1. Closed for All Road Users:
 The road is restricted from all types of road users (motors and pedestrians)

2. Closed for All Vehicles
 The road is closed for all vehicles only which also means that pedestrians are allowed to use the roads with this sign.

3. End of Maximum Speed Limit
 This sign indicates that the road users are no longer in speed-limited mode.

4. End of Horn
 Road users with all type of vehicles are allowed to use their horn behind this sign.

5. End of no overtaking for similar large-size truck
 The large truck can now overtake the other large-size truck along the road.

6. End of no overtaking for large-size truck
 Large-size truck are now allowed to overtake the other smaller cars.

7. End of no overtaking
 After this sign all types of vehicles are allowed to overtake.

8. Height Limit
 This signs literally means there is no entry for any type of vehicles with total height above the amount indicated in the sign.

9. Length Limit
 No entry for any types of vehicle with total length exceeding the amount limit indicated in the sign.

10. Maximum Speed Limit
This sign strictly prohibits the road users of all vehicle not to speed up more than the indicated speed in the sign. The speed measurement is in kilometers per hour.

11. No entry for Agricultural Motor Vehicles
As literally as its title, the signs prohibits all types of agricultural motors.

12. No entry for Bicycle, Motorcycle, and Tricycle
The three types of above vehicles (bicycle, motorcycle, and tricycle) are not allow on the road with this sign.

13. No Entry for large-size bus
This signs restrict the entry of all large-size passenger vehicle such as bus, coach, or any other vehicle with more than 20 passengers including the driver.

14. No entry for combination vehicles
 This sign specially applied to any large truck or tow-truck as they are not allowed to use the roads with this sign.

15. No entry for motor vehicles
 Any vehicle with machine are not allowed to use the road with this sign.

16. No entry for animal drawn vehicles
Road users with vehicles drawn by animals such as cow, horse, etc. are not allowed.

17. No entry for Bicycle
As literally as the sign reads to everyone, the bicycles are not allow on the road.

18. No entry for motorcycle drawn vehicle
This sign prohibits all type of motorbike drawn vehicles from using the road.

19. No entry for motor vehicles except motorcycles without side carts
 This signs prohibits all types of motor vehicles except only for the motorcycle without carts.

20. No entry for vehicle loading inflammable or explosive goods
 This one restricts the road access from any type of vehicle loading inflammable or explosive items such as gasoline, weapons, etc.

21. No entry for hand-cart
 No entry for any type of cart either a pulling or pushing type.

22. No entry for large-size truck
 The road is restricted from any type of large size truck or any vehicle with a total weight exceeding 3.50 tons.

23. No entry for motor cycle
The sign simply reads as no entry of any motorcycle.

24. No Entry
There is no entry for all type of vehicles with opposing direction to this sign.

25. No Horn
Road users are not allow to use the horn as they see this sign. However, they could use the horn only at an emergency state or in order to avoid an accident.

26. No Turn Left
This is seen in almost in any country in the world and it means just the same, no left turn.

27. No overtaking for large-size truck
Any large-size truck or the ones with total weight more than 3.50 tons are not allowed to overtake. So, this means if you are on a regular size car or a motorbike, you can still do an overtake.

28. No overtaking for similar large-size truck
 Large size truck are not allow to overtake the other one.

29. No overtaking
All types of vehicle are not allowed to overtake on the road with this sign.

30. No parking from 1st to 15th of moth
This sign prohibits all types of vehicle from parking within the area between 1st and 15th of the month. However, you may stop by just to load goods or passengers for a very short period if necessary. The transition from 15th to 16th is made between 21:00 and 21:30.

31. No parking from 16th to 31st of the month
Like the above sign, all vehicle are no allowed to park between 16th and 31th of the month. You can still, however, park for a short period of time only just to load passengers or goods. The transition from 31st to the 1st of next month is made between 21:00 and 21:30.

32. No parking on even days
The sign strictly prohibits vehicles from parking on even days of each month, but similarly to the above two signs, you can still stop by to load items or passengers for a short period of time. The transition is made between 2100 and 2130 hour.

33. No parking on odd days
A bit different from the above one, this sign does not allow you to park on any odd days of the month. You can still park for a short period of time only just to load passengers or goods. The transition is made at 21:00 and 21:30.

34. No Parking
No parking at all for all type of vehicles. However, you may stop by this sign only just to load stuff and passengers for a short period of time as necessary.

35. No Turn Right
 The signs prohibits all types of vehicle from turning right.

36. No Stopping
 All types of vehicles are not allow to stop by the sign.

37. No U Turn
You are not allowed to do a u turn on a road with this sign.

38. Safety distance between trucks
All truck drivers must leave a minimum safety distance between each truck as indicated in the sign.

39. Safety distance between passenger cars
Quite similar to the above one, this sign says each car driver must leave a safety distance between each passenger cars as the amount indicated in the sign.

40. Stop at the customs station
The sign require the driver of all types of vehicles to stop by the customs office for the spot check and fill out any relevant administrative documents.

41. Stop at the military police station
 All drivers must stop at the military police station for a spot check and and any required inspection.

42. Stop at the police station
All civil vehicles must stop at the police station for a check.

43. Weigh Limit on an axle
The sign says no entry for any type of vehicle with total weigh exceeding the amount indicated in the sign per axle.

44. Total weight limit
No entry for any type of vehicle with total weight exceeding the amount indicated in the sign.

45. Width Limit
No entry for any type of vehicle with total width exceeding the indicated amount in the sign.