Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Expensive Car but so Cheap is the Driver (Cambodian Expression)

In English, "cheap" literally means something which could be affordable at a low cost. Normally, this adjective is not used to refer a person. However, in Cambodian's expression, when someone is referred as Cheap, it means that someone worth nothing in his/her characteristics. People wouldn't value such person.

Recently, someone has made him or herself quite well-known in Cambodia's social media as he/she was trying to drive in a reverse traffic direction escaping from junction in a busy evening.

 A CHEAP driver in an expensive Lexus 570 driving in a reverse direction

A man seeing this person in his/her luxurious car could not help letting this go so he picked up a camera and to a few shots then post them onto his Facebook profile criticizing this act. (We would like to credit these photo to him while we prefer to keep his name hidden.)

"It is not a strange thing that people with luxurious expensive car never learn to obey the traffic law," said a social media user, commenting on the post. Normally, at least most of the time, people with power and modern car treat themselves higher, not respecting any other road users. However, others would see this from the exact opposite corner of thoughts. The higher they raise, the lower people would rate them, just like someone in this photo.

On the contrary thoughts, not only rich and powerful people are traffic violators. Even from these images, we could see that there are a few bikers follows the car joining those being called CHEAP on the road. There are also those rich and powerful people who obey the law and respect their fellow road users. So being rich or powerful does not define how someone obey the traffic law. It solely lies on each individual's sense of responsibility and accountability.

To build this up, education should be sharpened while at the same time the government should play a vital role to ensure that such thing is reduced to a minimal stage. Severe fine and punishment should be enacted to traffic violators regardless of how rich and powerful they are.


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